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Mother and Daughter at the Table

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Multi-Sensory Learning?

Multi-Sensory Learning is evidence-based [1,2] and means engaging multiple senses while learning. These are sight, hearing, movement and touch. An example is a child finger-tapping the sounds they hear in a word, and/or using letter/word tiles that can be moved to spell words or create sentences.

What are the benefits of Multi-Sensory Learning?

Multi-Sensory Learning allows for all the aspects of reading and spelling to come together for a child.

"Within his brain, the child is literally building the neural circuitry that links the sound of spoken words, the phonemes to the print code, the letters that represent those sounds." - Dr Sally Shaywitz 

What is covered in a session?

  • Phonemic Awareness

  • Handwriting

  • Decoding (reading)

  • Encoding (spelling)

  • Vocabulary

How long will my child need to attend?

Every child is different and sessions are tailored to their needs. They are on their own journeys, and the time it takes varies.

"Intensive instruction takes time, energy, resources, expertise, and persistence, but every student deserves a chance at literacy." - Louise Moats

Questions? Contact us today, we are always ready to help.

[1] - Shams L, Seitz AR. Benefits of multisensory learning. Trends Cogn Sci. (2008) Nov;12(11):411-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2008.07.006.
[2] - Eördegh, G., Tót, K., Kiss, Á., Kéri, S., Braunitzer, G., & Nagy, A. (2022). Multisensory stimuli enhance the effectiveness of equivalence learning in healthy children and adolescents. PloS one, 17(7), e0271513.

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